E-mail: firstucc1836@gmail.com
We are so blessed to welcome Pastor Linda on November 1, 2023 to our congregation.
Linda is an Eden Seminary graduate, and has been an ordained Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
pastor for 22 years and serving churches for almost 30. Linda is married to her college sweetheart, Ryan, and
they have two kids. Hannah is a freshman at Carl Sandburg College and Zeek is a Junior at Bettendorf High School.
Linda is passionate about serving local congregations and is excited to grow with our church.
Carol Neuleib, Music Director
E-mail: NeulBean@gmail.com
Choir Rehearsals; September through May; Wednesdays at 6:30pm
E-mail: FreddyAllenJazz@gmail.com
Freddy is a professional musician now based in the Quad Cities where he is combining two passions: Floral Design and Music.
As a musician, Freddy professional made a career as a pianist and only recently has reconnected with his earlier roots playing
the organ. One can learn more about his professional musical life at http://FreddyAllenMusic.com
E-mail: firstsec1836@gmail.com
Office Hours: M, TU, W--10:00am-2:00pm, TH-- 10:00am-12:30pm
E-mail: firstfs1836@gmail.com